positive post tuesday

Date April 29, 2008

So, Brody got this thing started and I keep rolling with it.  It’s cool to say nice things about nice folks.

Like Blake, for example.

Blake’s a super guy, super dad, super bulldog fan, super youth director, and now a super pastor at our church.  Blake’s a super friend, too.  He’s selfless with his time and gives willingly to others.  It’s highly likely that I send the poor guy three emails a day about something that’s going on with the blog or something that I can’t figure out and he’s ever patient in his responses to the not-so-tech-savvy (ahem, me). 

Blake’s heart for Jesus just shines in the way that he treats his girls, loves his wife and in the way that he fathers his new son.  It’s one hundred percent evident that Blake wants his family to see Jesus in him and his friends see it, too.  Blake’s love for people shows in the way that he works tirelessly for the church (new podcast. get excited), how he maintains message boards, and how he plugs into their lives using whatever means he has. 

More than anything, what makes me so proud to call Blake my friend is the example that he sets for others, especially the youth that he’s ministered to over the years.  I have had the pleasure of working with lots of his kids and seeing them grow into men and women of Christ and time and time again I’ve heard them say, “Yeah, Blake’s great.  He taught me how to love people.”  One kid that makes my all time favorite camper list told me when he was about sixteen, “If I grow up to be half the man that Blake is, I think Jesus will be proud of me.” 

Yeah, I think He will, too.

2 Responses to “positive post tuesday”

  1. Lou said:

    Good Morning! Thanks for the introduction to Blake that I have heard so much about.

  2. sharon said:

    I love the way you write Emily,it make me really stop and think. Love you