I’ve always been a commuter, if that’s what you call it. The ride has never been an hour or anything, but I reckon anything over eleven minutes (i.e. the amount of time it took to get from Momma’s to the Sonic) counts as a commute. In most of the places I’ve lived and worked I’ve […]
Entries Categorized as 'books'
Why not, right?
January 2, 2013
evidently i like to read on my tummy
December 10, 2008
I would read books all day long every day if there was someone to keep bringing new titles. Now, if that someone happened to be remarkably good looking and had an inexhaustable supply of diet coke, I might just read my life away. I did a pretty good job of keeping track of all the books […]
imaginary land
December 3, 2008
“There the rose of joy bloomed immortal by dale and stream; clouds never darkened the sunny sky; sweet bells never jangled out of tune; and kindred spirits abounded. The knowledge of that land’s geography… east o’ the sun and west o’ the moon… is priceless lore, not to be bought in any market place. It […]
to nudge the world
September 4, 2008
I’m sitting at my desk. There’s a dictionary in front of me opened to the word “asinine” because I’d like to use it someday. There’s a battered Spanish/English dictionary as well and a thesaurus is tucked comfortably beneath it. My journal is among the clutter. On the last page there are words and phrases scribbled […]
blackberry kisses
June 18, 2008
The sun is warm and welcoming in Manizales today. Her rays are streaked across the mountains and the green, green grass and I am happy to be here. The children are laughing, thoughts of summer and five weeks of freedom on their faces. And there are blackberries on my desk. The bag is brimming with […]
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