Entries Categorized as 'compassion'

India’s hope and a heart that’s still there.

Date April 27, 2009

I still remember the day that Lindsay left for India.  She was all nerves and excitement and living her dream and leaving her love behind- even if she didn’t know he was her love just yet. She’s all fierce and gentle like that and I prayed for her heart while she was gone and for […]

The 40 Day Fast. My day.

Date July 26, 2008

I live on the busiest street in Manizales, Colombia.  There’s a theatre within walking distance, a large grocery store, and a Juan Valdez coffee shop who’s wifi I can pick up occassionally.  There are people wearing clothes imported from the States and fancy cars that fly by obnoxiously blowing their horns throughout the night.  There […]

The 40 Day Fast

Date June 23, 2008

It starts today. 40 days of fasting. To change the world. By making needs known. It starts today and I’m excited to be a part of it. I’ll be fasting on July 27th and praying for this home-for-awhile of mine. Be a part of the change. Follow the crowd at Inspired to Action or check […]