Entries from May 2008

Lonesome Dove

Date May 14, 2008

My brother represents all things manly.  He’s always got boots in the back of his truck.  He hunts and fishes and works hard to keep up his place.  “Land oughta look good,” he says.  He’s athletic and smart and any one that has the nerve to cross him is surely in for a lashing.  And […]


Date May 13, 2008

Chu–que? Exactly. That’d be chunchurria con arepa, a Colombian favorite. Here are some pictures for you. Number one: Me trying it because I stinking love the family that invited me for the weekend. Number two: My reaction to trying it. It’s was SO not biscuits and gravy. And just for fun, a picture of the […]

movie quotes

Date May 9, 2008

I love the movies.  The popcorn.  Big Diet Cokes with lots of ice.  (oh, how I loved thee, Diet Coke!) The quiet hush as the lights go down.  I stinking LOVE the movies.  When Lyle and I lived in Australia, we’d meet in Sydney on Saturdays and watch movies all day long.  It made it […]

pass the tissue, please.

Date May 8, 2008

What’s that noise? Yeah, the one that sounds like a fog horn. Oh, don’t worry. That’s just me blowing my nose. FOR THE 552nd TIME TODAY.


Date May 8, 2008

April 26th I’m lying in a bed in a house that sleeps thirty.  The sounds of evening are all around me and the memories of the day vivid yet somehow indescribable. We left for a horseback ride in the early afternoon and I am still astounded by it all, the tenacity of young girls astride […]

emotional trainwreck

Date May 7, 2008

My parents are cool. They just are. Daddy’s funny and I’ll always be his girl. I call him when I have fender benders or need money. (Cause Mom’s hard core and kinda scares me and Daddy’s not afraid of anything. Except wasps.) But I digress. This post is about Mom and me and late nights […]

a list

Date May 6, 2008

-I’ve been out of school for five days. -I really like sunshine. -So, I took a little vacation. -No internet. -No TV. -It’s fun to disconnect sometimes. -I had LOTS of emails to return. -One was from Pat. He submitted something I wrote to The Local Voice. -Dude! They published it! -I go back to […]