I’m a low maintenance sort of gal. I’m not about curls or lace or frills. No fuss here. But there are some things that I’d rather not live without. In list form, of course: mascara (this kind is my favorite) lip stuff that lasts (for example) these shoes Sisser bought me (before they were cool) […]
Entries from September 2008
and they all fit in a backpack
September 30, 2008
compassion changes things
September 25, 2008
The Andes Mountains are all around me, their peaks covered by the morning mist. The Colombian air is crisp and cool and I drink it in. My eyes wander toward the steep slopes and the houses that are perched there. Small communities shoved together in a makeshift suburbia. Houses with concrete walls and floors and corrugated […]
a pirate queen I’d like to be.
September 24, 2008
I think I’d like to be a pirate. I can paint pictures in my head of swords and tall ships and pirate flags a flyin’. And sometimes I can feel the roll of the ocean and taste the salt in the air. I can hear their songs and cannons ringing out in the night and their longings […]
I’d rather not be Miss Havisham
September 22, 2008
I love writing this blog. It gives me an outlet and a chance to scribble a bunch of nonsense every once in a while and that’s a good thing. Otherwise my brain gets all crowded and I say things out loud in front of strangers. And then said strangers look at me like I’ve lost […]
no, the hunka hunka is not a possibility
September 18, 2008
Seriously, guys? I mean, really? Five of you were brave enough to actually say, “Who is he?!” in the comments and another fifteen or so more discreetly sent me an email begging for the insider’s scoop. Y’all are sweet (and reaching and nosy and all of those other things that I love about you). I […]
who runs 13 miles just for fun?
September 15, 2008
Seriously, sometimes I just don’t have it together. I think I’m all buff and I want to be super athletic and hard core and all those other things that my heroes are. But I’m not those things. At all. I’m no Linds or Whit or Jimmy (I’m SO NOT JIMMY). I’m just me with another […]
fast has passed
September 14, 2008
Daddy always tells me that I have two speeds: really fast and stop. Emotionally, he’s absolutely right. I’m 100% sunshine the biggest part of the time, but when the rain comes, it gets ugly. Give me a little space, some comfort food, and a good cry and I work my way back to sunny skies. […]
El dia del amor y amistad
September 12, 2008
Mis amigos, mi familia: I’ve never liked Valentine’s Day, really. First of all, shouldn’t you be all mushy and romantic everyday? Commercialized holidays shouldn’t tell us when to buy flowers or say nice things, should they? Fair enough, I’m probably just bitter and against relationships altogether. Generally I wear all black on February 14th, eat […]
Sydney and a Sad Song
September 11, 2008
I was twenty years old the first time I ran away. I ran from all the things I knew and my friends and a life that was beating me up in all sorts of ways. I ran long and far and ended up in The Royal National Park right outside of Sydney, Australia. That year […]
jazz is all fancy and stuff
September 11, 2008
I had a date last night. Okay, so it wasn’t a real date. It was more like my friend won two tickets to a jazz concert and she invited me to tag along. I’m sort of a sure thing that way. The concert was part of the Jazz Festival of Manizales which is just the […]
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