It’s Monday. Five days since my last post. Craziness. I rarely ever go a day without writing when I’m in Manizales. Life is slow and I don’t have a cell phone that rings. There’s wifi in my apartment and high speed internet at school. But I’m in Mississippi today. There’s no internet at my parents’ […]
Entries from June 2008
home at last
June 30, 2008
i’ll get there. eventually.
June 25, 2008
It’s a running joke that Manizales shouldn’t even have an airport. Nine out of ten flights don’t make it out and I knew that, but some secret optimistic part of me thought that my 7:00 a.m. flight would be the one that actually took off. Yeah, right. At 9:30 a nice lady from Avianca milled […]
blue skies would be nice
June 25, 2008
There’s just something about airports. The waiting. The rushing. The waiting again. Waiting on people you’ve missed. Waiting on weather to change. Hoping for good winds. Praying for less waiting. I’m sitting on the floor in a Colombian airport. My plane should have taken off two hours ago. Manizales is covered in clouds and sprinkled […]
really official thingies
June 24, 2008
It’s 10:30 and I just sat down. It’s been that kind of day. I had hoped that the day before I came home would be all full of hugs and laughs and time spent with friends. Not so much. I had tons to finish up at school this morning, so I dove right in. (Seriously, […]
Ragamuffin Top 4 (and 5)
June 23, 2008
I was so excited about last week’s Ragamuffin Top Challenge that I made my first video after Blake gave me a little tutorial. I waited approximately 52 hours before giving up on the forever upload. And well, this Saturday. I was just lazy and sad that my video (my very first video!) wouldn’t upload. Finally, […]
The 40 Day Fast
June 23, 2008
It starts today. 40 days of fasting. To change the world. By making needs known. It starts today and I’m excited to be a part of it. I’ll be fasting on July 27th and praying for this home-for-awhile of mine. Be a part of the change. Follow the crowd at Inspired to Action or check […]
the ending of a year
June 20, 2008
It is afternoon. The middle of a school day and my classroom is quiet. There is no Spanglish chatter. There are no shuffling feet or screeching chairs. The floor is littered with shreds of colored paper and cookie crumbs. My desk is full of notes, drawings and gifts left by children that seem older today. […]
his papaw was my preacher
June 19, 2008
Teaching is far from easy. In fact, some days I go home, throw myself on the floor, kick, scream, and swear that I’ll be a nurse someday. Or a beautician. Or an opera singer. Or a mime. Or anything on the face of the planet rather than a teacher. Some days it’s really that bad. But then there […]
blackberry kisses
June 18, 2008
The sun is warm and welcoming in Manizales today. Her rays are streaked across the mountains and the green, green grass and I am happy to be here. The children are laughing, thoughts of summer and five weeks of freedom on their faces. And there are blackberries on my desk. The bag is brimming with […]
needles, suckers, and cries for my momma
June 17, 2008
When I was a kid, I went to a good home town doctor whose name I can’t recall at the moment, although I’m sure he still works in the same building in the same home town. In his office was a nurse. I remember her hair pulled back tightly in a bun and glasses on her […]
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