Entries from October 2008

A date for Daddy

Date October 7, 2008

I love it when that old man calls me.  He makes me laugh and feel like I’m still his little girl. Most of the time a song we love is playing on the radio and he turns up the volume so we can both hear it. And sometimes he’s thinking of a song we love […]

Gifts for the Sister School

Date October 6, 2008

I teach at a private school where the tuition rivals what I paid for my college education. Our campus is tucked neatly into the back corner of a hidden away street outside the city.  In the past 20 years it has changed from an old farmhouse into a picture of growing perfection.  Red trim on […]

The truth about my sanity

Date October 2, 2008

Lindsay thinks I’m some sort of super star teacher.  She said so in this post.  (this one, too come to think of it.  Thus, I must offer a rebuttal. Note to Lindsay: I ain’t nuthin’ special. Seriously, I think Linds has this fluffed up idea of me.  That’s probably just because I tell funny stories […]

Thank you, Swiss Miss

Date October 1, 2008

Coffee is a staple of Colombian culture.  Go figure, right? The line of people going into and coming out of the staff room with their steaming mugs is as constant as a train of ants at a church picnic.  I admit that I look at them longingly.  I want to fit into that social circle.  I […]