Ragamuffin Top Challenge 4
June 14, 2008
I was really excited about this week’s post because I made my very first video! Too bad it’s still uploading and Saturday’s on its way to over. Seeing as how I’m afraid of Carlos and all the other Ragamuffintoppers, I decided I should at least post a mini update. Cross your fingers that I’ll figure out this video thing soon. I’m a work in progress. What can I say?
Last week I told you about a little injury that I have. I went to the doctor this week and he gave me some serious medicine and an exercise ban until my next appointment. So, I’m all about diet change this week hoping to jazz up my goals a bit. I still want to meet the half marathon under two hours goal, but am going to focus on the weight part this week because, let’s be honest, I’m coming home soon. And Mississippi’s got biscuits.
June 16th, 2008 at 2:05 pm
Well…..I haven’t gained! I will work on my eating habits better this week than I did last week. Mexican one day and burgers the next. We just got a little burned out on the salads and took a very fattening break…bad move.