it starts in my heart

Date November 1, 2008

This post ripped me apart today.  In the best way ever.

Multimedia Collage by Gillian Ross

4 Responses to “it starts in my heart”

  1. Macie said:

    Thanks for the link. It was needed.

  2. Sisser said:

    I think that means you should work on being a free spirit. I mean, that’s just what I got out of it.

    Sisser got dat hate for a Sisser and a Moms.

  3. Lou said:

    Great link and such a strong wonderful reminder of what “it” is all about.

    BTW – What is up with Sissers lingo? I get such a chuckle out of reading her comments.

  4. Lindsay said:

    We needed that. Thanks!