really official thingies
June 24, 2008
It’s 10:30 and I just sat down. It’s been that kind of day. I had hoped that the day before I came home would be all full of hugs and laughs and time spent with friends. Not so much.
I had tons to finish up at school this morning, so I dove right in. (Seriously, I only checked my email four times before I really, really started working. Four times. Before 8:00.) And THEN I dove right in. I’m productive like that.
8:20. I’m all over it. Working my little hiney off. Human resources lady walks in and politely informs me that I have to go and renew my Colombian identification card thingy. “I can’t.” And I couldn’t. I mean I really couldn’t. I had 157 billion things to do.
10:00 In the car with human resources lady, driving too fast. I think I might vomit. Thirty minutes later. We’re in the really official building where my new card thingy is. Human resources lady has forgotten all of the official papers that the official people in the official building need to give me my official card thingy before I leave in the morning. At 5:00 a.m.
Oh, we need our passports? Weeeellll, we’ll just go right ahead and get those. Through all that traffic, to all five houses, of all five Americans that need those passports to please those official people.
11:30 “Oh, we’re sorry. You’re too late. We go to lunch at 12:00 so we can’t start all of your official paper work because it officially takes about 40 minutes to complete and see, we can’t do all of your paper work before we go to lunch. Soooooo, you’ll just have to come back in the morning.”
11:30.5 I cried. I’m blaming it on hormones. It wasn’t pretty.
12:10 Official card thingy in hand. Kiss on the cheek from really important man that evidently has daughters with emotions they can’t control.
(tune in tomorrow for updates from airports and perhaps a story involving the rest of my day, mangoes, and herpes. I’m so not kidding)
June 25th, 2008 at 1:11 pm
have a safe trip-can’t wait to see you! love love-k
June 25th, 2008 at 1:14 pm
Emily, bless your heart! I can see it all so clearly. Good news: we should get to see you! We’ll be around next weekend! Will you? I can’t wait! I have something for you!
June 25th, 2008 at 1:31 pm
Oh, good grief Emily! It was one of THOSE days. I’m glad you got what you needed, though, and I can’t wait to hear about your trip home. Oh, and I forgot to mention on my blog that we went to the Sizzler on Saturday night, and all I could think about was you!
June 25th, 2008 at 2:01 pm
I have had a pretty rough past couple of days but nothing quiet so dramatic but definitely hormone related. I can’t wait to see you. I just hope we can get some time with you. I read your comments too and there are a lot of people that you are going to have to see while you are here. Call and lets try to work out our family sing 322-7653.
June 25th, 2008 at 2:23 pm
I think a lot of us have days like this…although yours is worse because you are in a foreign country! I’ve noticed my days tend to be this way on days I pray for patience…our God has an awesome sense of humor, don’t you think? Anyway, have a safe trip home….relax a little when you get here…and hug your parents lots!
June 25th, 2008 at 2:29 pm
“THOSE” days are what helps to make the other days so comforting and boring. Thank God for fathers – foreign and domestic! God speed, Child!
June 25th, 2008 at 7:19 pm
[…] trumps Boomama this time. I did need a good cry. I deserve a good cry. I mean, yesterday’s really official thingy sort of warmed me up for it, right? Unfortunately, my really good cry has been witnessed by over […]