And Then There Was One

Date June 18, 2010

It had been nineteen glorious days of adventure and snacks and plans that failed.  The three girls from Rice Hall, 6th floor had managed to survive a bound-for-vomit snorkeling trip and a lunch buffet of fried alligator and mystery meats of other origins on what should have been Granny’s Christmas table.

They stood there in the airport—the three of them– holding hands and holding back tears.

No words.  None needed.

Three of them.


Two backpacks thrown over four well-traveled shoulders.  One straw cowboy hat, bent and torn and weathered and seven million brand new memories between them.


“This is the final boarding call for flight 594 Sydney to Los Angeles.  This is the final boarding call.”

And then there was one.

3 Responses to “And Then There Was One”

  1. K said:

    Of course I love this; it feels like just yesterday. I can’t think of two girls I’d rather travel the world with…

  2. LB said:

    Those were the days…

  3. Lou said:
