thanks, i think

Date August 20, 2009

I’m not one of those seasoned teachers that has their craft worked out to a smudgeless art.  I’m not one of those cutsie teachers with a cheer pony and a matchy matchy outfit.  No, I’m not that at all.

In fact, today is only number nine of 187 blessed contract days.

My feet look like over-sized, over-stuffed sausages.  My face is reminiscent of days I’d rather forget- fare thee well, adolescence.  Or not.

My hair is frizzy, unkempt, and frayed in a variety of ways at each and every split end.  My eyes look like razor-cut slits in my face.  And my waist.  Lord, help my ever-expanding waist!

Did I mention my swollen feet?

But nevermind.  Because today there were two notes on my desk:

“I love you.  Yo body smell like biscuits.” and “You are the pretist lady in the planet.”

**Not edited for spelling.  Why?  because it adds to the cute factor.

9 Responses to “thanks, i think”

  1. deanna said:

    Oh how sweet! What grade are you teaching now?

  2. dani said:

    awww… how sweet. Kids can say the most wonderful things! Where are you teaching now?

  3. Lou said:

    Funny! You must fill me in on all you new adjustments, marriage, city, new job, etc.

    Hang in there, Love you.

  4. K said:

    thank god you are up and running again. it was starting to feel like groundhog day every time I’d check your posts. welcome back to the blog world. (not that I would know much about it since I seem to be the ONLY one left in the world without a blog or facebook page) love you em-

  5. sherry said:

    Ditto to K- glad to have you back up and running. Our kiddos come back on Mon. I had 17 show up for meet the teacher- they are too adorable. I have the principal’s son in my room this year so I’m sure he’ll be able to fill her in big time! We’ve been in meetings now for a week and half. I’m about ready for the students…if they would only give us time to work in our rooms. The wedding looked and sounded fabulous. Summer shared the crop duster and rose petal story with me- what a sweet way for a daddy to say I love you to his little girl!

  6. felicia said:

    Em…glad to know you are ready for another year of teaching….wedding pics were great…glad you are up and blogging again.

  7. Lauren said:

    “Lauren McGee, You so sweet, I wanna drink yo baaff wader….”

  8. stephen said:

    Are you sure the biscuits line didn’t come from the mister?

  9. Robin said:

    “yo body smell like biscuits.” Man…that’s a good one. Deep.