jazz is all fancy and stuff

Date September 11, 2008


I had a date last night.

Okay, so it wasn’t a real date. It was more like my friend won two tickets to a jazz concert and she invited me to tag along. I’m sort of a sure thing that way.

The concert was part of the Jazz Festival of Manizales which is just the teensiest bit strange seeing as how jazz is the “American musical art form”and well, I think of Colombia as all salsa and hip shaking, but it was free so we decided to make a night of it.

I even wore cute shoes (I sure did) and dangly earrings (can you believe it?!) AND I did my hair in an uppity sort of thingy all elegant-like. Y’all that hairdo would have made BigMama, Boomama, and Shannon proud.

My cute shoes, my friend and I had a dinner we couldn’t afford where the tables had linens and too many forks and we ate things we couldn’t pronounce and felt like demure ladies out on the town. (Hello! My hair was all uppity and such.)

When we finally sashayed into the theatre we were feelin’ fine. Who wouldn’t, right? Then, the lights went down and my tummy did a little flip flop thing- it could have been the food I couldn’t pronounce, but I’m chalkin’ it up to excitement about all that jazz.

The music started.




Then the saxophone and a trumpet and they were jamming, bending their knees and swiveling as they blew each perfect note.

Who am I kidding?

Jazz just doesn’t do it for me. All I could think about was Bill Clinton and that picture of Luis Armstrong where he looks like a blowfish and that horrid excuse for a date I had once.

You’ve heard the story-me thinking that my house was on fire (thank you, one hundred candles), a bottle of wine on the table (puh-leeze) and jazz playing in the background (um, seriously?). Poor guy. He didn’t last a week.

Yeah, jazz. I’m just not that fancy.

9 Responses to “jazz is all fancy and stuff”

  1. Lou said:

    Cute shoes and uppity hair do just didn’t make it happen for you. Very fun read. I could just hear you telling this. Love, Lou

  2. Sheila said:

    I hear YOU girl with the uppity hair and ALL… I love cute shoes too! You had it goin on. I don’t blame you for taking any chance to get to go out on the town. I would jump at a chance to go out and be a big shot for a change, you know how us Longview folks are, we don’t get out much… good stories, keep it up…

  3. Sisser said:

    I would give anything for Toolbag to read this. And you know he lasted more than a week. You were in love. Don’t lie.

  4. Celeste said:

    Ah, but it was worth a try, wasn’t it? Plus, even if the music didn’t do it for you, the guy at the restaurant was so friendly, that alone made the night worth it!

  5. Amy Laboe said:

    It ain’t for me neither…. Last year I went to the same festival and made Ruben take me home early. I sorta felt bad… but not really. I was falling asleep at the show. I need some SOUL.. some lyrics- either make me wanna dance or tug at my heart strings- that’s my kinda music.

  6. Summer said:

    Very proud about your fancy shoes and hairdo. I agree about jazz. I have tried so hard, since it is such a local art form, and I just can’t get into it. All the improv just bores me out of my mind. I always want to say, “Okay. Just get to the point!”

  7. Nieca said:

    Well, I consider myself a music lover of all kinds, but I’m definitely with you, Jazz doesn’t do it for me either. And, while I’m at it… not much on Hip Hop or Rap. But I thought that was all just my age. But Em, bet you were breathtaking!!!

  8. Deanna said:

    Me? Not so fond of Jazz either.

    For some reason I can’t picture you with dangly earrings…seems like they’d get in your face while running! 🙂

  9. Dani said:

    Seems I’m in the minority here…. I actually don’t mind listening to a little jazz now and then.

    Wish I could see a picture of that uppity hair and dangly earrings! Even if the music was not your favorite, I bet you made the most of it and enjoyed your night out!

    Love you