seven days more

Date June 11, 2008

Luis Miguel just walked up to me.  He looked at me sweetly and motioned with his finger for me to bend down, as though he had a secret.  I obliged and he wrapped his hand around my neck, pulled me closer and kissed me on the cheek with a loud shhmack sound. 

I was still grinning when he said, “Mees, I have only seven days more to give you kisses!  It is okay if I give you two kisses today?”

Yes, Luismi, that’d be just fine.

6 Responses to “seven days more”

  1. Deanna said:

    All your kids sound like they’d be so much fun to be around…and sweet!

  2. Brent said:

    Um, like, ohmigod. Are you really coming to MS in 14 days? I might die from a paroxysm of happiness.

    Come see my pool. I’ll let you swim in it.

    Come see me.

  3. Summer said:

    Oh, how sweet! It must just make your heart melt.

  4. Lou said:

    In the words of our sweet Grand Dorse, “God be de’love”.

  5. Brittany said:

    How in-the-world are you going to leave that?

  6. sharon said:

    we love you and miss you,that’s from the whole,gang Delaine’s baby boy is very sick I want go into details but say prary for him and hope to see you soon,dont’t forget to bring me something backprett Please kept what you doing, we need more Emily With seeyou soon Love You Sharon